The Real Housewives Of Dallas – Review

It’s all fun and games until Bravo comes to your town.

What qualifies me to review and critique the Real Housewives of Dallas?

Well, to start, I am one.

I was born and raised in this glorious city and I’ve never left.

In fact I’d rather die than live outside Dallas County.

This is the best freggin’ city on Earth, imo. We have all the glitz and glamour of NYC or LA, minus all the attention seeking, velvet rope, celeb nonsense. (At least that WAS the case before last night.)


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Another qualification worth mentioning is that I was raised watching soap operas.

My mother and her mother (my Mema) would watch Young & The Restless from 11-12, then Bold and The Beautiful from 1230 to 1, then One Life To Live from 1-2 and finally Guiding Light from 2-3.

As a kid I would sit with my mom and fold laundry and watch The Abbott, Newman, Forester, Buchanan and Spaulding women manipulate and scheme all while looking absolutely fabulous in their designer gowns and huge jewelry. Surrounded by their opulent homes and businesses, they would plot revenge in the form of a fake amnesia diagnosis or a good old-fashioned “twin swap”.

That’s good entertainment kids.

Therefore, I suppose it was just natural for me to gravitate towards The Real Housewives franchise when they debuted The Orange County cast years ago.

The gowns, the houses, the hair extensions- I absolutely loved it.


It wasn’t a slow trickle for me either, I was hooked on these crazy/beautiful dames right away. Then when Andy started moving the franchise from city to city, I followed.

I could never get into New Jersey or – Jesus, be a fence- Potomac but I slurped up New York, Atlanta and Beverly Hills with a spoon.

From the beginning, I suspected that they would inevitably land in Dallas, how could they not?

Big hair, big mouths, big diamonds we got all of that here in Dallas.

I suppose it was about a year ago that news broke- they had cast The Real Housewives of Dallas. I couldn’t have been more stoked.


This is gonna be awesome.

Surely they would be ball busting, bad-ass business women, some of them the wives of the cities most successful oil tycoons, architects, and plastic surgeons.

I expected them to be beautiful and they were.

I expected them to be full of sass and they were.

I expected them to be outrageously shady and they were.

What I did NOT expect was for them to be… Basic AF.

Thankfully, there were a couple of gals in the mix that seem (so far) like very real, laid back and giving chicks.

But there were two “ladies” in particular that had me hiding under a blanket in humiliation.


Now, I’ve never been the type a’ girl that talk’s bad about other women and I’m not gonna start today.


I just have a couple quick observations and then I’ll be on my way.

Juvenile jokes about your friend living on a golf hole? (“She lives right on the hole…tee hee”)




Toilet and bodily function humor from a grown woman in her late thirties?



I don’t relate to these particular women. I was raised with the opinion that there are just some things that classy women don’t do.

Talking about… (deep breath) …farts and grappling at the low hanging fruit that is double entendre are two of those things.

This sparks the question:

Will I continue to watch this disgraceful, mortifying show every single week for the next three months?


God help me.










4 thoughts on “The Real Housewives Of Dallas – Review

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    1. @Fenomenale I would give it a shot. The main star of the show is Dallas itself, for that reason alone it’s definitely worth watching. And some of these ladies seem really cool. I’m already a fan of LeAnne and Tiffany!

  1. I am just so embarrassed for these women. Why why why would any woman sign on to perpetuate these highly offensive stereotypes?
    I have never watched an entire season of any reality show. In the past, I admit that I may have watched a whole episode of Real Housewives if I happened across it.
    I happen to “know” one of the women that is cast member so I watched the first episode. When I say that I “know” her I mean that she is a good friend of a good friend. I have spent time with her on occasion over the last 15 years. She is NOT a shallow or manipulative person at all. She has always been very kind, charismatic and down right fun to be around. She is intelligent and witty and definitely never struck me as a social climber.
    I have never met anybody as mean and idiotic as these types of shows portray.
    So again I ask why would any women sign on to be publicly humiliated?

    1. As a reality TV addict, I can say, I have asked myself this question a million times. Why would someone open themselves up to such scrutiny? Why would someone intentionally “play the villain?” All I can figure is some people just wanna be seen and the particulars of HOW they get their spotlight doesn’t matter all that much. Keep in mind that there are a LOT of folks out there that LOVE the villain. So I suppose they know, they will have fans regardless of their behavior. It’s fascinating to watch tho.
      I too have friends who are friends with one of these gals (I bet we’re talking about the same one) and literally everyone I have spoken with says she’s just one of the sweetest, kindest people ever and I value their opinion.
      I relate to a woman who is now grown, has had a tough past and has grown into a better person because of it. You don’t get to the age of 35+ without a significant amount of baggage and life experience. If you’re over 35 and haven’t had a least ONE nervous breakdown, I almost don’t trust you! lol!
      Thanks for reading love! Great to make a new friend! xoxox

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